Designed to help those with wrist, arm, and shoulder repetitive stress injuries.
Exercise Program + Video that really works!
Developed by Professionals For:
For Court Recorders, Secretaries, & People out of acute phase recovery and requiring a thorough rehab./conditioning program.(work hardening)
Course Goal - UBR
The concept behind this course is to provide you with the necessary information to develop shoulder and back flexibility and strength at the same time. Our Second goal is to insure you have a strong understanding of the musculature involved with the exercises and how the back is internally constructed. The text is divided into three sections; Stretching (flexibility), Strengthening, and Anatomy Drawings. Each of the first two sections include specific anatomical information as well as the "how to" of the exercise. This reinforces the pictures. The videos give real time applications and descriptions of the exercises, no guessing as to positioning and teaching points.
As a self paced course you may review as your schedule allows.
Remember you are the professional. Your client depends on your good services and understanding of exercise. This course will provide you with further building blocks of your knowledge.
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