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F.I. International - Low back


Post Rehabilitation Fitness


$350.00 for Post Rehabilitation Fitness©™ Low Back Course. A great offer for a truely professional tool!

Product List:

Post Rehabilitation Fitness - Low Back Course©™ ____x @ $45.00 = _______

Total from above $___________

CA residents add 7.75% tax $___________

$10.00 Shipping/handling ea.(USA) $___________ {$25.00 outside the USA}

TOTAL Amount due $______.____

Name __________________________ ______________________

Printed name

Signature________________________________orders not shipped w/o signature

Address: Street_________________________ Bldg.____________

City ________________________ State_____, Zip______-____

Contact Phone Number: (_____) ___--______

  • Orders accompanied by Personal or Company checks shipped upon clearance of funds. All prices quoted in US Dollars and paid in US Dollars.

  • Send Check or Money Order to F.I. International

    42 San Roque Rd. Santa Barbara, CA 93105-2835 For further information call: - (805) 687-1832 - (Voice box #2)

Sales are final - Liability limited to working Video format (does it work on your video player)

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